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7367 東証スタンダード(サービス業)




(公開日 2021.04.09)


CELM(7367 TSE Standard)

English Summary (PDF)

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Strong in customer-tailored training and external lecturer network

Conducts Personnel and Organizational Development Business for Large Companies
CELM mainly conducts business that supports personnel and organizational development for large companies. Its business segments are “personnel and organizational development business,” which provides consulting on personnel and organization as well as supports personnel and organizational development of customer companies, and “other businesses.” The personnel and organizational development business accounts for 99.0% of its net sales for the nine months to December 2020 and other businesses accounts for 1.0% (Figure 1).

Personnel and Organizational Development Business
As the main services of this business, the company provides (1) management training programs to identify and cultivate the next executive personnel, (2) management mentoring to current executives, etc. (one-on-one, on-the-job training targeting current executives as well as next executive candidates), (3) cultivation of middle management, (4) consulting to establish personnel development systems, (5) support for penetration of management policy/vision and innovation of corporate culture, (6) support for personnel and organizational development in ASEAN and China, (7) first carrier development business (creating a systematic personnel development for employees up to five years in the company as well as fostering of a workplace culture highly conscious of personnel development), and (8) support for employment and participation of persons with disabilities and other services.

According to the group, the management training programs and management mentoring account for about 30% of net sales of the business, cultivation of middle management accounts for about 40%, first carrier development business for about 20% and the rest for about 10%.

Other Businesses
For other businesses, it conducts the corporate venture capital business and bilingual English education business for preschool children (ages one to six).










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