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5595 東証グロース(情報・通信)




(公開日 2023.12.08)


Institute for Q-shu Pioneers of Space(5595 TSE Growth)

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Providing Earth observation data and images using small SAR satellites it develops and manufactures

Providing Earth Observation Data and Images Using Small SAR Satellites
Institute for Q-shu Pioneers of Space (iQPS) operates the Earth observation satellite data business. It develops and manufactures small SAR satellites weighing around 100kg and launches multiple satellites into low orbit, about 500km from the Earth’s surface, to form a satellite constellation. It provides Earth observation data and images obtained by these satellites.

iQPS's satellites are installed on rockets of companies such as SpaceX, and the data and images obtained by the satellites are provided across the world through companies that operate ground stations. The company specializes in developing and manufacturing small SAR satellites and selling data and images these satellites obtain. It does not conduct data analysis or other processes.

Optical satellites, which are the main type of satellite deployed to obtain Earth observation data, use optical cameras and sensors to observe sunlight reflected from Earth. On the other hand, SAR satellites emit microwaves to the observation point and use the microwaves reflected from the Earth's surface to measure the size of the object, the nature of its surface and the distance from the object. Since SAR satellites do not rely on sunlight reflected from the observation point, they can observe the Earth at all times, even during bad weather or at night.

However, since emitting and receiving microwaves required large amounts of power and large antennae, past SAR satellites generally weighed between 1-2 tonnes, and it has been a challenge to achieve miniaturization and high image resolution. iQPS's small SAR satellites are equipped with compact and lightweight foldable parabolic antennae, which allow them to achieve both miniaturization and high image resolution.

The company is currently focused on obtaining Earth observation data and images using its two satellites, its 2nd and 6th satellites, and the sale of such data and images. Since December 2021, iQPS has sold image data acquired by the 2nd small SAR satellite to government agencies such as the Cabinet Office, the Ministry of Defense, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and other public agencies.



QPS研究所の衛星は、Space Exploration Technologies(略称Space X)等のロケット打ち上げ事業者のロケットに搭載して打ち上げられ、衛星で取得したデータ・画像は、ノルウェーのKongsberg Satellite Services等のグローバルに地上局を展開している企業を通じて提供される。







5号機は予定していた打ち上げ事業者のVirgin Orbit社が23年4月に経営破綻したため打ち上げが延期されたが、23年6月に商用機の6号機を打ち上げている。現在は2号機と6号機の2機体制で地球観測データ・画像の取得と販売を行っている。







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