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Inbound Platform(5587 TSE Growth)

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Providing Wi-Fi device rental and lifestyle support services mainly to foreigners

Engaged in Three Businesses Mainly for Foreigners
Inbound Platform specializes in Wi-Fi device rental services, the life media tech business providing lifestyle support services to foreign residents and camper van rental services. In fiscal year ended September 2022, the Wi-Fi device rental business accounted for 62.1% of the company’s net sales, the life media tech business for 33.9% and the camper van rental business for 3.5%.

Wi-Fi Business
Inbound Platform’s Wi-Fi business offers rental services of domestic Wi-Fi devices for foreign visitors to Japan, domestic Wi-Fi devices for Japanese corporations and overseas Wi-Fi devices for travelers abroad.

Currently, the sales breakdown by user is about 60% for foreign inbound visitors and about 20% each for Japanese corporations and international travel. The main pricing plan for Wi-Fi device rental is 11,050 yen for 14 days for foreign visitors to Japan and 6,000 yen per month for Japanese corporate customers. The high price of its foreign visitors plan results in a high profit margin.

Life Media Tech Business
In its life media tech business, Inbound Platform introduces the services of partner companies in multiple languages online to foreign nationals staying in Japan and its customer support department concierge provides support through the purchase of services in order to gain advertising fees for service introduction and intermediary fees for services provided.

Its main services are real estate information and arrangement of rental houses, airport transfer services, assistance for voice SIM card rental and introduction of medical institutions.

RV Business
In its camper van rental business, as of June 2023, Inbound Platform owns 18 camper vans in Japan and rents them to both foreign visitors and Japanese customers. It also offers camper van rental to Japanese customers in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.




Wi-Fi事業では、Japan Wirelessのサービスブランドで訪日外国人向けに国内用Wi-Fi端末のレンタルを、グローバルモバイルのサービスブランドで国内法人向けの国内用Wi-Fi端末レンタルと、海外渡航者向けの海外用Wi-Fi端末のレンタルを行っている。訪日外国人向けでは欧米圏の顧客が多い。


訪日外国人向けWi-Fi端末レンタルでは、顧客は訪日前にJapan Wirelessのサイトで契約してクレジットカードでの支払いを済ませ、訪日時に空港のカウンターまたは滞在先のホテル等でWi-Fi端末を受け取り、帰国前に同封のレターパックでWi-Fi端末の返却を行う。








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