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9327 東証スタンダード(倉庫・運輸関連業)




(公開日 2021.03.30)


e-LogiT(9327 TSE Standard)

English Summary (PDF)

+English Summary on This Page

Providing fulfillment services to online mail-order companies

Providing Fulfillment Services
e-LogiT integrates logistics agency services and operation agency services and provides them to mail-order companies as fulfillment services. While the website page creation and operation are conducted by client companies, the company handles the product photography, order receiving process, logistics agency, customer relations, home delivery and payment collection.

It also provides “logistics consulting services” to improve the logistics of mail-order companies by utilizing the expertise it has accumulated through the mail-order logistics business, but almost all of its net sales are from fulfillment services.

The company provides mail-order companies with a series of logistics services including “product management,” which manages the storage, quality, expiration dates and quantity of products, “picking,” “distribution processing,” which handles operations such as subdividing and packaging of custom products as well as assemblage, and “packaging,” while providing “distribution” and “payment collection” through delivery companies.

Its strength is in logistics of a great variety of small-lot products with high inventory turnover ratios, through which it responds to the demands of mail-order companies to maximize sales with small inventories. In addition to miscellaneous goods, apparel items, food/beverages and car accessories, it can also handle products that require authorization based on the Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices such as cosmetics and quasi-pharmaceutical products.

In addition to logistics services, upon request from client companies, it also conducts customer support including product photography to post on mail-order sites as well as image processing, uploading product data on mail-order sites, order receiving process, responding to e-mails and phone calls from users.

The company’s fulfillment centers (FCs) in Eastern and Western Japan are playing a key role in supporting its fulfilment services. Including Narashino FC that opened this January, the company operates six FCs in Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba and Osaka. Each FC is located close to a residential area, where part-time workers can be easily secured.


イー・ロジット(以下、同社)は通販事業者に対して、「物流代行サービス」、「運営代行サービス」を提供している。また、通販物流事業を通して蓄積したノウハウを活かして通販事業者の物流改善に向けて、「物流コンサルティングサービス」も提供している。同社は通販物流事業の単一セグメントであり、各サービス別の売上高は公表していないが、売上高のほぼすべてが物流代行サービスによるものである 。








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