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Finatext Holdings(4419 TSE Growth)

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Developing Cloud-Based Core Systems, Etc. for Financial Service Providers
Comprising Finatext Holdings and seven consolidated subsidiaries, the Finatext Holdings Group pursues the financial infrastructure business (providing cloud-based core systems to financial service providers), the fintech solutions business (supporting planning and development of front-end services such as websites and mobile apps), and the big data analysis business (supporting use of data accumulated at client companies).

In the first half of the fiscal year ending December 2021, the financial infrastructure business accounted for 22.9% of net sales, the fintech solutions business for 39.6%, and the big data analysis business for 37.5%.

Financial Infrastructure Business
The financial infrastructure business supplies core systems needed to provide financial services in the form of cloud-based SaaS systems.

The company is engaged in securities infrastructure services targeting securities business and insurance infrastructure services targeting insurance business. In the first half of the fiscal year ending March 2022, the sales composition is 57.4% for securities infrastructure services and 42.6% for insurance infrastructure services.

The Group provides services aimed at 1) new entry businesses which operate B-to-C services and are intending to offer financial services to their existing users, and 2) existing financial institutions that intend to use new core systems when launching new dedicated digital financial services.

Fintech Solutions Business
In terms of its fintech solutions business, the company pursues 1) solutions services and 2) marketing services. For the fiscal year ending March 2022, the sales composition is 74.4% for solutions services and 25.6% for marketing services.

Big Data Analysis Business
In the big data analysis business, the company’s subsidiary Nowcast pursues 1) data licensing services and 2) data analysis support services. For the first half of the fiscal year ending March 2022, the sales composition is 92.7% for data licensing services and 7.3% for data analysis support services.














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