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4258 東証グロース(情報・通信)




(公開日 2021.12.24)


AMIYA(4258 TSE Growth)

English Summary (PDF)

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Engaged in the development of advanced log management products as well as the design and construction of communication infrastructure networks

Security Solution Provider Protecting Communications and Data
AMIYA places a focus on the records of important data and is engaged in the data security business, in which it develops and sells log management products using AI technologies, and the network security business, in which it provides design and construction of ICT communication infrastructure networks remotely on the cloud.

The data security business accounted for 45.4% of the net sales in the fiscal year ended December 2020, and the network security business accounted for 54.6%. The sales composition of the network security business is on an increasing trend.

The company develops products and services in house and secures a high gross margin. In addition, the ratio of stock-type revenue from those including maintenance and SaaS services is high.

Data Security Business
In the data security business, the company develops and sells the ALog series, software that can manage all kinds of logs.

Log management plays important roles as material for tracking and showing evidence when an incident occurs, in the same way as surveillance cameras and dashboard cameras. The logs can be used in all aspects of corporate activities such as monitoring data taken outside the company by internal related parties, detecting cyber attacks from outside and labor management under telework.

Network Security Business
In the network security business, the company designs and constructs LAN/WAN and other ICT communication infrastructures mainly for companies. As a service provider, the company provides construction of servers and networks for offices, encrypted connection connecting bases, remote tools for telework and other cloud network related technologies.


網屋(以下、同社)は、“重要データの記録”に着目し、AIテクノロジーを使ったログ管理製品「ALog(エーログ)シリーズ」を開発・販売する「データセキュリティ事業」とICT通信インフラネットワークの設計・構築をクラウド上から遠隔で行う「Network All Cloud(ネットワーク オール クラウド)」サービスなどを提供する「ネットワークセキュリティ事業」を行っている。



データセキュリティ事業ではあらゆるログを管理できるソフトウェア「ALogシリーズ」を開発・販売している。ラインナップとしてファイルサーバアクセスログ管理「ALog ConVerter(エーログ コンバータ)」と統合ログ管理「ALog EVA(エーログ エヴァ)」がある。








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