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Frontier(4250 FSE Q-Board)

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Conducts planning and sales of automobile aftermarket parts as well as contract manufacturing of electronic toys

Fabless Manufacturer of Automobile Aftermarket Parts and Electronic Toys
The Frontier Group is comprised of the two companies of Frontier and its subsidiary Frontier International Hong Kong. It does not own a factory but outsources manufacturing to factories in China.

The Frontier Group conducts the private brand sales business, in which the company deals in automobile aftermarket parts, and the OEM/ODM business, in which the company undertakes manufacturing of products based on customers’ specifications and delivers the products manufactured at the factories selected by the company. In the fiscal year ended November 2020, the private brand sales business accounted for 62.0% of net sales and the OEM/ODM business accounted for 38.0%.

The automobile aftermarket parts handled by the company are side visors, floor mats and license plate frames for light (up to 660cc) and compact motor vehicles. The company conducts planning and development, quality management, delivery management, import and sales, and Frontier International Hong Kong outsources manufacturing to factories in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, China and conducts management from the production process to exporting to Japan. Its major customer is Mazda Parts, a consolidated subsidiary of Mazda Motor, and sales to Mazda Parts accounted for 37.6% of net sales of the private brand sales business in the fiscal year ended November 2020.

In the OEM/ODM business, in which the Frontier Group mainly undertakes manufacturing of electronic toys, the company is not involved and the business is primarily conducted by Frontier International Hong Kong. Its major customer is KAGA MICRO SOLUTION, a consolidated subsidiary of KAGA ELECTRONICS, but their customer is a major toy manufacturer. Sales to KAGA MICRO SOLUTION accounted for 92.7% of net sales of the OEM/ODM business in the fiscal year ended November 2020.












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