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4074 東証グロース(情報・通信)




(公開日 2021.07.20)


LaKeel(4074 TSE Growth)

English Summary (PDF)

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Aims to promote industrial digital transformation with LaKeel DX

Provider of System Development/Maintenance Services and a Cloud-Based System Development Platform
LaKeel Group provides system development and maintenance services mainly for major companies and sales of a cloud-based system development platform, LaKeel DX, as well as various applications.

LaKeel Group is only engaged in one business segment, which is the LaKeel business, but its net sales is categorized into the two services of the professional service and the product service.

Professional Service
In the professional service, the company is engaged in system development services, which are one-time-fee model services, and system maintenance services, which are recurring-fee model services, targeting the on-premise core system of major construction companies, major real estate companies and major financial institutions. Its major customers include Maeda Corporation (1824 TSE First Section) and Daito Trust Construction (1878 TSE First Section).

Product Service
In the product service, the company provides product services and consulting services. In product services, the company sells LaKeel DX, on which customers conduct system development by combining software function parts on the company’s cloud-based system development platform, and various applications that run on LaKeel’s platform. LaKeel DX was released in May 2019 and even though the size of sales was small in the fiscal year ended December 2020, it is a product on which the company will focus most going forward. Other than that, the company also conducts sales of products acquired from other companies. In consulting services, the company mainly conducts development, etc. of software parts for the introduction of LaKeel DX, etc.


ラキール(以下、同社)グループは、同社と子会社3社(Legend Applications China Holding、北京利衆得応用技術有限公司、ZEST)からなり、主に大企業向けにシステムの開発と保守サービス、クラウド上のシステム開発基盤であるLaKeel DXやそのプラットフォーム上で稼働する各種アプリケーションの販売を行っている。



プロダクトサービスは、製品サービスとコンサルティングサービスからなる。製品サービスでは、顧客がクラウド上の同社のシステム開発基盤でソフトウェアの機能部品を組み合わせて、顧客の業務に適したシステム開発を行うLaKeel DXやLaKeelのプラットフォーム上で稼働する各種のアプリケーションをLaKeel製品として販売している。







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