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248A 東証グロース(情報・通信)




(公開日 2024.10.01)


KIDS STAR(248A TSE Growth)

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Provides social experience apps for children

Provides Social Experience Apps for Children
The main business of KIDS STAR is the provision of the social experience app Gokko Land for children. KIDS STAR is a consolidated subsidiary of Kufu Company (4376 TSE Growth).

The company's net sales are divided into Gokko Land and Jimoto Guide, B to C services, service design and others. In fiscal year ended December 2023, Gokko Land and Jimoto Guide accounted for 81.70% of net sales, B to C services accounted for 4.05%, service design accounted for 13.30% and others, including advertising revenue, accounted for 0.95%.

Gokko Land is an educational app that allows children aged 3 to 10 to enjoy social experiences on their smart devices. While children can use the app at no charge, the company receives store-opening fees from companies and organizations for setting up the app. The company offers games for children to allow them to enjoy simulated job experiences with companies that have established stores in the app. The program has been praised for enhancing understanding of corporate brands and products, not only among children but also their parents, while helping to create a fan base.

In August 2023, the company also launched the distribution of Gokko World, an overseas version of Gokko Land, in Vietnam. In July 2024, the company began conducting family-oriented events at commercial facilities in a real-world expansion of Gokko Land.

Jimoto Guide was launched in April 2021 as a new category within Gokko Land. The service provides digital guidebooks that feature the charms of the local area as seen from a child’s perspective.

The B to C service is a pay-per-use service independently planned and developed by the company. KIDS STAR has developed and provided three educational apps for d Kids, NTT Docomo's comprehensive educational service.

Through service design, KIDS STAR provides client companies with the know-how it has cultivated in planning and developing apps for children. The service offers comprehensive support for the use of the content assets held by companies.



キッズスターはインターネットメディア事業の単一セグメントであるが、売上高をごっこランド&ジモトガイド、B to Cサービス、サービスデザイン、その他に区分している。23/12期におけるサービス別売上高比率は、ごっこランド&ジモトガイド81.70%、B to Cサービス4.05%、サービスデザイン13.30%、その他(広告収入等)0.95%、であった。なお、ごっこランド&ジモトガイドの売上高の大部分はごっこランドによるものである。



また、キッズスターは、23年8月に、ごっこランドの海外版である「Gokko World」の第1弾となるベトナムでの配信を開始した。日本で培ったごっこランドのビジネスモデルを基に、子供世代の人口増加と経済成長が見込まれるアジアを中心にGokko Worldを展開する方針である。









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