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245A 東証グロース(小売業)




(公開日 2024.10.01)


INGS(245A TSE Growth)

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Restaurant chain operating ramen shops and Japanese-style pubs

Operating Ramen Shops, Restaurants and Japanese-Style Pubs
INGS is a restaurant chain that operates multiple ramen shops, Italian restaurants and Japanese-style pubs (izakaya), mainly in the Kanto region.

In fiscal year ended August 2023, the ramen business accounted for 50.8% of net sales and the restaurant business accounted for 49.2%. There is a significant difference in profitability between the ramen business, which has a segment profit margin of 8.4%, and the restaurant business, which has the burden of goodwill amortization costs, with a profit margin of 2.2%.

Ramen Business
The ramen business comprises a directly operated store division and a produce division. INGS has 31 directly managed stores and 68 affiliated stores.

The directly operated store division primarily operates urban stores in favorable locations concentrated in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba. It also operates suburban and roadside stores, as well as stores situated in commercial facilities.

The produce division provides support for those wishing to open ramen restaurants, including assistance with store openings and operations. In addition to selling ingredients, INGS also provides business start-up support, menu development and store operation expertise for a monthly fee of 50,000 yen. Unlike franchise stores, owners can use their own store name. Furthermore, there are no membership fees or royalties, enabling owners to open stores with low initial costs.

Restaurant Business
The restaurant business comprises the directly operated restaurant division and the licensed restaurant division.

The company's directly operated restaurant division has opened 17 Italian restaurants, 13 izakaya with shumai as the main product and one other restaurant.

The licensed restaurant division operates a franchise business for restaurants and izakaya. In terms of the fee structure for restaurants, the pre-opening support fee is 1.5 million yen and the royalty fee is 150,000 yen per month. The izakaya royalty fee is equivalent to 4% of monthly store sales and the fee for pre-opening support is waived, with the aim of promoting the opening of licensed stores.


INGSは、関東を中心にラーメン店、イタリアンレストラン、居酒屋を多店舗展開する飲食チェーンである。主力ブランドは、ラーメン店が「らぁ麺 はやし田」、イタリアンレストランが「CONA(コナ)」、居酒屋が「焼売のジョー」である。

INGSは06年、青柳 誠希氏(現代表取締役社長)が個人事業としてラーメン店を創業したことから始まった。24年7月末時点では、ラーメン店は直営店を31店舗展開している。加えて、同社がラーメン食材の販売や店舗運営ノウハウを提供し、オーナー独自の屋号で展開するプロデュース店も68店舗に達している。また、11年に開始したレストラン及び20年に開始した居酒屋は、同時点で、合計で直営店31店舗、「CONA」及び「焼売のジョー」のライセンスを貸与しているライセンス店31店舗を展開している。












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