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Decollte Holdings(7372 TSE Growth)

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One of the Pioneers in Just-Photo Weddings
Decollte Holdings is the leading company that established the just-photo wedding market, which hardly existed in Japan around ten years ago. The predecessor company was engaged in reasonable wedding ceremony services at small-sized chapels, and accumulated expertise in the cost control of ceremony operations. Under such circumstances, the company realized from overseas cases that taking wedding photos would be feasible as a service providing “valuable experience,” and started the just-photo wedding service in 2008.

The studio business accounted for 97.7% of its sales revenue in the fiscal year ended September 2020. Most of the sales revenue of the studio business is from just-photo weddings. The remaining sales revenue (2.3%) is from the fitness gym business operated in Kansai under the store brand of “40minutes.”

Just-Photo Wedding Service
The just-photo wedding service shoots wedding photos, but it refers to photographing on a date other than the date of the wedding ceremony or wedding reception. There are mainly two types of demands; 1) for couples holding a wedding ceremony or wedding reception but taking the photos beforehand or on a date separate from the ceremony or reception, and 2) for couples that will not hold a wedding ceremony or wedding reception, but taking wedding photos.

The company’s just-photo wedding service meets such demands. The company provides services by opening a directly-operated photo studios exclusively for just-photo weddings centering on locations close to terminal stations in metropolitan areas. As of the end of April 2021, the company has 20 studios including four studios that are not for wedding photos but for pet photos, etc.











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