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Cyber Security Cloud(4493 TSE Growth)

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Web security company protecting external public servers from attacks on the web application layer

1. Corporate Overview
Cyber Security Cloud is an independent web security company providing services centering on the cloud-based web application firewall (WAF) “Shadankun,” which protects external public servers from cyber-attacks on the web application layer. The company also provides “WafCharm,” which is a service that automatically operates WAF rules provided by public clouds, and Managed Rules, which is the Amazon Web Services (AWS) WAF operation rule set.

In December 2020, the company expanded its business fields by acquiring 100% ownership of SofTek Systems, a company engaged in the vulnerability management solution business “SIDfm.”

2. Financial Analysis
With the expansion of the number of users, it has been posting a large increase in net sales in recent years, but it posted ordinary losses through the fiscal year ended December 2018. In the fiscal year ended December 2019, this not only turned to an ordinary profit but the company also secured a high operating profit margin of 17.6%.

3. Non-Financial Analysis
The company’s source of intellectual capital is the enormous amount of data it owns and its ability to meet customer needs.

4. Corporate Strategy Analysis
The company aspires growth in both domestic and overseas markets through WAF educational activities and raising its product awareness, enhancement of sales agencies, cross selling with SofTek Systems, enhancement of overseas development, applications to new fields, etc.

5. Analyst Evaluation
Taking into consideration the progress made through the first quarter, the Stock Research Center forecasts a 50% increase in revenue and 44% increase in operating profit for the fiscal year ending December 2021, which slightly surpass the company’s plans. The Stock Research Center expects a large increase in the number of users while it assumes that the rate of increase in selling, general and administrative expenses will be lower than the revenue growth rate, leading to forecasts of a 17% year-on-year increase in revenue and 25% year-on-year increase in operating profit for the fiscal year ending December 2022 and a 14% year-on-year increase in revenue and 25% year-on-year increase in operating profit for the fiscal year ending December 2023.


・サイバーセキュリティクラウド(以下、同社)は、Webアプリケーション層へのサイバー攻撃から外部公開サーバを守るクラウド型WAF(Web Application Firewall)「攻撃遮断くん」を中心にサービスを提供する独立系Webセキュリティ会社である。パブリッククラウドが提供するWAFのルール自動運用サービスである「WafCharm」や、AWS(Amazon Web Services)WAFの運用ルールセットであるManaged Rulesも提供している。











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