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Human Technologies(5621 TSE Growth)

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Providing cloud attendance management system KING OF TIME in SaaS format

Providing Cloud Attendance Management System
Human Technologies group consists of Human Technologies and its four subsidiaries. The Group’s main focus is the development and provision of the cloud-based attendance management system, KING OF TIME (KOT), which is offered as a SaaS. The Japan and Singapore subsidiaries are responsible for developing the company's system, while the Thai subsidiary primarily sells KOT to Japanese companies in Southeast Asia, with a focus on Thailand. The Sri Lanka subsidiary, on the other hand, is currently dormant.

The Group’s net sales are divided into two categories: KOT SaaS services, which include KOT usage fees, and others, which consist of sales of time recording terminals, paid premium KOT services and others. For fiscal year ended March 2023, KOT SaaS services accounted for 87.5% of the net sales and others accounted for 12.5%.

Since the gap between consolidated sales and non-consolidated sales is small, with the majority coming from non-consolidated domestic business, the company places a strong emphasis on KOT-related indicators on a non-consolidated basis. On a non-consolidated basis, the number of KOT corporate users that had recorded time in a year through September 2023 was 51,206, with the number of user IDs at 3,069 thousand. In addition, the number of IDs that were billable in September was 2,234 thousand.

Looking at the distribution of billing IDs based on employee size, there is a high ratio of small and medium-sized enterprises. 35.4% are companies with less than 100 employees, 38.1% with 100 to 500 employees and 26.4% with 500 or more employees.

In terms of the trend in KOT-related indicators, from the end of March 2019 to the end of September 2023, the number of corporate users increased from 16,233 to 51,206, the number of user IDs increased from 1,231 thousand to 3,069 thousand, and the number of billable IDs increased from 866 thousand to 2,234 thousand.

KOT can be used without customization or initial cost. At 300 yen per month per ID, in addition to the attendance management function, KOT offers functions such as automatic acquisition of attendance logs, attendance and productivity analysis, personnel labor management including personnel management, web payslip creation, payroll calculation and year-end adjustment.


ヒューマンテクノロジーズグループは、同社と子会社4社からなり、クラウド勤怠管理システムKING OF TIME(以下、KOT)の開発及びSaaS注1形態での提供を行っている。

子会社である国内のITエージェントとシンガポールのHuman Technologies Singapore PTE. LTD.は、ヒューマンテクノロジーズシステムの開発業務を受託しており、タイのHuman Technologies (Thailand) Co., Ltd.はタイを中心とする東南アジアで日系企業向けにKOTを販売している。スリランカのHuman Technologies Lanka (Pvt) Ltd.は同国の経済危機を受け、休眠会社となっている。

ヒューマンテクノロジーズグループの事業は、勤怠管理SaaS事業の単一セグメントであるが、売上高をKOTの利用料であるKOT SaaSサービスと勤怠記録を行う打刻端末の販売やKOTの有償プレミアムサービス等からなるその他に分けて開示している。

23/3期の売上高構成比はKOT SaaSサービスが87.5%、その他が12.5%となっており、KOTの利用料が9割近くを占めている。









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