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5621 東証グロース(情報・通信)




(公開日 2025.01.17)


Human Technologies(5621 TSE Growth)

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Provides cloud attendance management system KING OF TIME in SaaS format

1. Corporate Overview
Human Technologies is an information services company that offers KING OF TIME (KOT), a cloud attendance management system offered in SaaS format. As of the end of September 2024, KOT users reached 3.61 million people at 58,000 companies.
KOT SaaS accounted for 87.8% of the net sales in fiscal year ended March 2024, and other services for 12.2%.

2. Financial Analysis
In terms of non-consolidated performance, driven by factors such as increased KOT SaaS sales resulting from the increase in the number of billing IDs, there were significant increases in both revenue and profit in fiscal year ended March 2024 compared with fiscal year ended March 2019, with net sales increasing by an average of 22.1% per year and ordinary profit by 19.8%.
Human Technologies are more attractive than similar companies in terms of profitability, financial security and growth potential.

3. Non-Financial Analysis
The source of the company’s intellectual capital lies in its ability to sustain development and the strength of its sales network.

4. Corporate Strategy Analysis
The company's management strategy is to grow its share in the domestic attendance management SaaS market, increase billing targets, expand the deployment of HR cloud services such as KOT to Southeast Asia and boost the sales of paid support services, augment agency sales of HR-related SaaS products owned by partner companies that automatically link data, and introduce and boost sales of paid optional KOT-related services.

5. Analyst Evaluation
We forecast an 18.2% revenue increase and a 52.3% operating profit increase for fiscal year ending March 2025, based on the company's interim results for fiscal year ending March 2025 and measures it has taken.
Based on assumptions such as growth in the attendance management SaaS market, expansion of the company's market share, a billing method review and the completion of investment in the future, we forecast a 21.2% revenue increase and a 48.0% operating profit increase for fiscal year ending March 2026 and a 13.9% revenue increase and a 26.1% operating profit increase for fiscal year ending March 2027.


・ヒューマンテクノロジーズは、SaaS形態のクラウド勤怠管理システム「KING OF TIME(以下、KOT)」を提供する情報サービス会社である。KOTは、25/3期中間期末時点で5.8万社の361万人に利用されている。
・24/3期のサービス別売上高構成比は、ストック収益であるKOT SaaSが87.8%、その他が12.2%であった。

・単体業績については、課金ID数の拡大に伴うKOT SaaS売上の増加等により、19/3期と24/3期の比較では売上高は年平均22.1%増、経常利益は同19.8%増と、大幅な増収増益となった。









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