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4379 東証グロース(情報・通信)




(公開日 2021.11.09)


Photosynth(4379 TSE Growth)

English Summary (PDF)

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Mainly develops business concerning cloud-type access authentication system for offices

Developing Business Concerning Could-type Access Authentication System for Offices
The Photosynth Group’s core service, Akerun access authentication system is retrofittable to existing doors and is comprised of hardware which conducts physical opening and closing of keys, data communication, applications for smart devices that manage authority and key authentications, etc. and software including web applications. Most of its sales in the first half of the fiscal year ending December 2021 were from those targeting offices.

As for hardware, the company handles Akerun Pro that corresponds to thumb turn locks and Akerun Controller that corresponds to electric locks, automatic doors and flapper gates, and other electrically controlled doors. Akerun Pro accounted for around 90% of net sales in the first half of the fiscal year ending December 2021.

Akerun Pro is a smart lock retrofittable to existing doors. It only needs to be placed on existing thumb turn locks on doors, and as installation work and initial costs are not needed, customers can install it in a minimum of three days.

Akerun Controller is a hardware retrofittable to existing automatic doors and electromagnetic locks and other electric locks, and can be installed and operated with just simple installation work.

In many cases, Akerun Pro appears to be introduced in old and relatively small office buildings and Akerun Controller introduced in new and large buildings.

The company receives monthly usage fees from customers for the term of using the Akerun access authentication system. The list price of the monthly usage fee is 17,500 yen plus tax per door, and changes according to the contract period and the number of doors on which it is installed.


Photosynth(以下、同社)グループは、同社及び連結子会社1社(MIWA Akerun Technologies)で構成されており、スマートロック等のエッジ端末による個人認証とセキュリティを主軸としたサービスをオフィス向け、住宅向けに提供する「Akerun事業」を展開している。



「Akerun入退室管理システム」で提供されるハードェアには、サムターン錠に対応する「Akerun Pro」と、電気錠や自動ドア、フラッパーゲート等の電気制御の扉に対応する「Akerunコントローラー」がある。21/12期上期の売上高の約9割を「Akerun Pro」が占めている。


月次使用料には、ハードウェアとソフトウェアの使用料に加えて、「Akerun Pro」や「Akerunコントローラー」の交換用電池の費用も含まれている。導入費用は、原則として受け取らないが、「Akerunコントローラー」の設置工事業者やICカードの手配を顧客から依頼された際には、それらの代金を顧客より受け取る。







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