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5618 東証グロース(情報・通信)




(公開日 2023.12.22)


Nyle(5618 TSE Growth)

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Engaged in the Horizontal DX business and the Mobility DX business

Engaged in Horizontal DX Business and Mobility DX Business
Nyle is engaged in the Horizontal DX (digital transformation) business of identifying digital issues, presenting solutions, and implementing them for various companies across the industry. Additionally, Nyle is involved in the Mobility DX business, which provides a car leasing service online to save time when buying cars and facilitate car ownership among those with poor credit standing.

In fiscal year ended December 2022, the Horizontal DX business accounted for 54.6% of net sales and the Mobility DX business accounted for 45.4%. On a segment basis, the Horizontal DX business is profitable, while the Mobility DX business is posting losses due to the heavy burden of advertising and promotional expenses.

Horizontal DX Business
Horizontal DX business consists of (1) a DX & marketing business that supports enhancing operational efficiency and sales expansion by offering a wide range of solutions by utilizing know-how in areas such as SEO, content production, data analysis and generative AI; and (2) a media & solutions business of providing the development and operation of multiple media channels and solutions for digital advertising.

Mobility DX Business
Launched in January 2018, this segment is mainly focused on the car leasing business. Nyle's car leasing service offers individuals new cars covering all models of Japanese carmakers and used cars. While the industry standard for lease term is around 3-5 years for finance companies affiliated with carmakers, Nyle offers a broad range of lease periods from 1-11 years.

When purchasing a car, individuals must make the extra effort to visit multiple car dealers to select their desired model. Additionally, applying for a credit assessment online lowers the psychological hurdle, making it possible for people to obtain a car lease. Nyle is working to create a new market by taking the individual’s car buying process into the digital age.





18年1月から開始した事業で、カーリースである「おトクにマイカー 定額カルモくん(以下、「定額カルモくん」)」の事業運営を主軸としている。「定額カルモくん」は個人向けに日系メーカー全車種の新車、及び中古車を扱っている。リース期間は、自動車メーカー系ファイナンス会社が契約期間3年~5年の扱いを中心とするのに対して、ナイルは1年~11年と幅広い期間に対応している。







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