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323A 東証グロース(情報・通信)




(公開日 2025.02.21)


Flier(323A TSE Growth)

English Summary (PDF)

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Providing business book summary service for corporate and individual clients through monthly fee model

Provides Business Book Summary Service
Flier offers a book summary service called “flier,” through which the contents of business books are summarized for corporations and individuals for a monthly fee. The service is usable on PCs as well as smartphones and tablets.

Each year, more than 6,000 business books are published. The company carefully selects about 400 of them and has more than 50 outside professional writers create summaries that can be read in about 10 minutes. As of the end of November 2024, the number of summaries was over 3,800 and more than 90% are available in audio form.

The content of each summary is prepared and verified with the permission of the publisher, author and other related parties. From the perspectives of the publishers and authors, the company’s summary service represents promotional and sales opportunities. As a result, no copyright royalties are required to license summary content. As of the end of November 2024, the number of partner publishers had surpassed 190, encompassing nearly all business book publishers.

The company’s business groups comprise the enterprise business for corporate clients and the consumer business for individuals.

In the enterprise business, the company’s primary service is “flier business,” a human resource development service that utilizes the book summary service “flier.” It also provides the service to corporate training programs and to facilities such as libraries and shared offices.

In the consumer business, the company operates “flier,” a book summary service, online reading communities “flier book labo” and “flier book camp” and, through flier's official channel on YouTube, it operates an advertising business.

The enterprise and consumer businesses accounted for 63.1% and 36.8% of net sales in fiscal year ended February 2024, respectively. In recent years, the enterprise business has become the company’s mainstay, as it has focused on developing corporate clients and expanding its capabilities, which has led to high growth.







エンタープライズ事業では、「本の要約サービスflier」を活用した人材育成サービスである「flier business」を主力サービスとし、その他に施設向け事業、法人向け研修事業を行っている。

コンシューマ事業では、「本の要約サービスflier」を中心に、オンライン読書コミュニティの「flier book labo」、「flier book camp」の運営や、YouTubeの「flier公式チャンネル」を通じた広告事業を行っている。






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