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277A 東証グロース(サービス業)




(公開日 2024.12.03)


Globe-ing(277A TSE Growth)

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Focuses on actually going to client sites to offer joint initiative consulting services

Primarily Providing Consulting Services
Globe-ing offers joint initiative (JI) consulting services, which entails actually going to client sites and working tirelessly with client companies to achieve results in addition to conventional consulting services. The company’s consulting work covers a wide range of services, including business strategy planning, M&A, new business launches, global growth strategy planning and leveraging digital technology for management and business transformation.

In addition to consulting, Globe-ing is also engaged in the cloud product business offering SaaS-type products. However, this business is still in its early stages, having just begun and the company is still recording losses.

JI Consulting
JI consulting entails serving as the leader or a core member of client projects on a variety of themes. It provides human resources and expertise while working in tandem with clients to resolve issues and achieve goals.

The contract comprises a long-term agreement that includes seconding personnel, with a duration of three to five years. Given the extended duration, it is possible to reduce the idle time for consultants that often occurs between the conclusion of one project and the start of the next, a common issue with short-term projects. This approach is also characteristically stable from a revenue perspective.

The proportion of net sales accounted for by JI consulting is increasing, from 29.9% in fiscal year ended May 2024 to 41.8% in the first quarter of fiscal year ending May 2025.

Conventional Consulting
Although the company does not dispatch project managers or other personnel, it serves as a C-suite-class companion, providing support for strategy drafting and execution as well as the utilization of digital transformation (DX) and AI. While the company refers to it as conventional consulting, it offers services from an insider's perspective, making it more akin to JI consulting rather than typical advisory-type consulting.


グロービングは、クライアント企業に実際に入り込み、一緒に汗をかいて、成果を出していくJoint Initiative型コンサルティングサービスと従来型コンサルティングサービスを提供している。コンサルティングの分野としては、事業戦略立案、M&A、新規事業立上、グローバル成長戦略立案、デジタル技術を活用した経営・業務変革など、多岐に亘っている。


グロービンググループはグロービング及び23年10月に子会社化した各種広告・SP・グラフィック・WEB・映像の企画・制作などブランディングやクリエイティブデザインに強みを持つアバランチ、24年1月に設立した上海巨球協英信息技術、24年5月にLaboro.AI(5586東証グロース)とAIトランスフォーメーションの社会実装を目指し設立したX-AI. Labo(グロービングの出資比率は78.0%)の4社で構成されている。



また、グロービングはコンサルタントの人数だけに頼る「人工ビジネス」からの脱却を目指しており、AIを活用することで、人数の増加に単純に比例した事業拡大というビジネスモデルからは一線を画したいとしている。この目標に向けて議事録作成やリサーチ業務の生産性向上を目的としたツールを自社内のAIなどを活用した業務効率化専門チームであるGLB Intelligenceで開発をしている。








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