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241A 東証グロース(情報・通信)




(公開日 2024.09.27)


ROXX(241A TSE Growth)

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Operating a career-change platform Z Career for non-desk workers

Operating a Career-Change Platform for Non-Desk Workers
ROXX operates Z Career, a career-change platform for non-desk workers seeking full-time employment, companies actively recruiting inexperienced workers and recruitment agencies that facilitate these matches. The company also offers the back check service, which is an exclusively online reference and compliance check service. In fiscal year ended September 2023, the Z Career service accounted for 79.2% of net sales and the back check service for 20.8%.

Z Career Service
As of the end of July 2024, there were a total of 360,000 members registered and approximately 82,000 job postings on Z Career. The platform's registered members are primarily 30 years old or younger, earn less than four million yen annually and are often non-regular workers. Its core service supports non-regular, non-desk workers in their search for regular employment, focusing on industries with severe labor and human resources shortages, including manufacturing, construction, logistics, nursing care, services and food and beverage.

Z Career generates revenue from both performance-based fees charged to recruiting companies and monthly usage fees paid by partner recruitment agencies. In fiscal year ended September 2023, performance-based income, such as commissions, and recurring income, the platform usage fee paid by recruitment agencies, accounted for 54% and 46% of net sales, respectively.

Back check service
The back check service entails the provision of a reference and compliance check service that users can complete online in SaaS format. Reference checking is the practice of companies recruiting workers obtaining evaluations from the job applicant's previous superiors and colleagues and using these as references in their recruitment activities. It is also possible to check for compliance risks, including criminal records and false statements regarding career history.



テクノロジーを活用することでノンデスクワーカーの正社員化を推進し、低年収層の所得向上を目指すHR Techカンパニーである。ちなみにROXXの社名は米国のロックバンドであるエアロスミスの代表的アルバム「Rocks」及びモトリー・クルーのベーシスト「Nikki Sixx」に由来している。

ROXXが提供するサービスはノンデスクワーカー向け転職プラットフォームであるZキャリアを提供する「Zキャリアサービス」とオンライン完結型のリファレンス/コンプライアンスチェックサービスである「back checkサービス」である。23/9期の売上構成比はZキャリアサービスが79.2%、back checkサービスが20.8%であった。

Zキャリア(旧agent bank)はノンデスクワーカーに特化した転職プラットフォームで24年7月末時点の累計登録会員数(求職者)は36万人、掲載求人数は約8.2万人となっている。Zキャリアの登録会員は主に30歳以下、年収400万円未満、非正規雇用が多く、ノンデスクワーカーの非正規雇用から正規雇用への就職活動支援を主なサービスとしている。









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