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149A 東証グロース(情報・通信)




(公開日 2024.03.29)


Thinca(149A TSE Growth)

English Summary (PDF)

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Providing cloud-based service for centralized management of communication with customers

Centrally Managed Communication with Customers
Thinca is engaged in the development and sale of its cloud-based communication platform service to companies that conduct business with individual customers. The service allows clients to centrally manage all engagement with customers across various communication methods such as telephone, SMS, email and video calls.

Features of the Service
The cloud-based communication platform service offers the following main features.

When a user's office landline phone receives a call, the customer information and conversation history are displayed on a computer or other screens. The user can customize the information displayed to suit their needs.

Users can also send SMS messages to their customers' mobile phones. The SMS history and customer information are automatically recorded and centrally managed. When a user receives a call at their office, the contents of the SMS sent are displayed on a computer or other screens.

In addition to the above, there are other features, such as recording and generating transcriptions of conversations on company phones or video calls and sharing emails exchanged with customers within the company.

Sales Channels and Customer Base
Thinca offers its service through three sales channels: direct sales, via sales partners and OEM provision. For direct sales, the company has a strong track record of sales to car dealers and real estate companies. OEM provision is where an OEM company sells services that incorporate some features of its services.

As of the end of September 2023, its service has 2,565 active user companies, including OEM customers, across 4,289 locations.

Service Profit Structure
Its service usage fee income consists of three sources: initial fees at the time of service introduction, monthly usage fees and pay-per-use fees, such as those for SMS usage. In fiscal year ended December 2023, initial sales accounted for 14.5% of net sales, monthly usage fees accounted for 71.8% and pay-per-use sales accounted for 13.3%.












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